Craig Edmonds
Sales Representative
- 613-633-7653
- 613-735-1062
- craigedmonds@royallepage.ca
- 141 Lake St, Suite 104, Pembroke, ON K8A 5L8
I was born into real estate. My father Mac Edmonds sold real estate for 35 years and I’m proud to continue in his tradition working in the family brokerage since 1993.
This is my hometown. I know every neigbourhood and subdivision, and I’ve driven every street and laneway in most seasons.
I’m known as a team player and have a solid reputation for working well with my fellow realtors to get the best results for our clients.
I’m a family man who spends my down-time at the hockey rink, on the ski hill and at the cottage.
I have a passion for sports including competitive volleyball, triathlons, hunting, fishing and dual sport riding.
My competitive edge is a big part of who I am — at work and at play. It’s one more advantage I bring to the table on behalf of my clients.